I never tire of contrasting Bugeyes to modern exotics. They often arrive on our doorstep when shippers carry exotics (as most of our shippers do), and occasionally they unload something spectacular in our driveway while they make room for one of our little Sprites.

In the case of this car (Alex’s Bugeye on its way back to Florida), a Lamborghini Huracán emerged from this truck bed and allowed me ample opportunity to photograph some of the details in comparison to 1960 (or older) technology. The Huracán is spectacular… worth 200 to $350K.

I can’t help but think just how remarkable automobile exotics have become. This Lambo is a work of art, and it sounds spectacular, but then you put alongside this basic, simple little sports car, and in spite of my strong Bugeye bias, I don’t think you could give me that Lamborghini. Yeah, it would be fun to show off once or twice, but it strikes me as a massive liability. A stone chip magnet. A driveway disaster. Encounter a speed bump in your travels? See ya, front spoiler.

The back up camera better be really, really good… The shipper needed a handheld, old-school barber shop mirror just to see the edges of the car to prevent bumps and bruises on the way in and out of the trailer. While Bugeyes were never known for comfort, contorting myself into that Lambo just seemed like something that would make me frown.

I couldn’t help but post pictures of the truck driver climbing out of the Lamborghini once he drove it back into the truck. If I thought life with a Bugeye had some minor challenges given it’s ergonomics, the fact that the Lambo is almost too wide to fit in this giant truck and necessitates exiting through the window made the Bugeye smile a little brighter.

Our car will ride in comfort flanked by a Bentley in front and the Huracán behind (and I’m delighted that they can all hang out together and get to know each other), but I keep coming back to the simplicity and elegance of a basic little car that does all the right things, and makes people smile. No pretension, no Lambo bling, just Bugeye bling (at a comfortable level) and a lot of smiles for everyone who see it. Sometimes, less is more.

I have nothing against the supercar revolution that keeps the aspirational auto market strong and healthy. All you need to do is spend a few minutes with a modern Lamborghini and you’ll realize that there will be plenty of Bugeye lovers for generations to come.