I’ve owned and collected lots of different classic cars over the years and this is one reason why we service and restore many different kinds of British classics in addition to Austin Healey Sprites.

Way back in August of this year, I brought my ’67 MGB GT to Nyack, NY for a Hagerty Magazine photo shoot and article celebrating 100 years of the MG marque.

Below is the cover of the new Driver’s Club Magazine which features that story. You can click on the cover to see a PDF of the entire article. That’s me on the cover driving the MGA of author and friend Jamie Kittman. In the story, you can also see the amazing photos of DW Burnett. He is a gifted photographer, the same artist who shot a previous Hagerty article about our company, which you can see by clicking here.

Below you can also see photos I took while Dave was hanging out of the other cars to get the amazing amazing action shots featured in the story. At one point in our day with these three cars, David buried himself in the bushes while we all drove past and the cover photo was the result! I drove all three of the featured cars so some of my photos were taken from the other two cars…