I love old British transmissions. While the lack of synchronizers in first and reverse may dissuade some drivers from them, in practice, when shifted correctly, non-synchronized first/reverse gears are just not an issue. So what is the proper way to shift a Bugeye or Spridget transmission to keep from grinding the gears?

The easiest gear to grind is the unsynchronized first gear. It is perhaps reflex for some drivers to attempt to engage first gear while rolling through a stop sign, which invariably results in grinding. The fix is to come to a full stop and engage first. Alternatively, you can roll through while staying in second, which I do much of the time when driving my own cars. In the video below, taken earlier this year, I discuss a little bit about not only how to shift your Bugeye, but what RPMs to best shift at.
Another thing I have noticed from riding with a lot of new classic car owners is that they will sometimes accidentally catch first while shifting from second to third. The gates are pretty close together and the shift pattern is tight, and if you aren’t careful when shifting from 2nd to 3rd, grinding is the result. It’s easy to avoid doing this; simply keep a tad of pressure to the right as you push the lever forward, and the shifter will jump over slightly so it easily aligns with the synchronized third gear.

The other cardinal rule is to be gentle with the shifter, and to use light pressure. With good timing, the gear box will almost draw the shifter into gear, instead of the driver applying excessive force. The goal is to shift quickly, but gently. Challenge yourself to be 100% grind free.
If your Bugeye’s transmission is grinding, seek help! Either your driving style needs a small adjustment, or something is wrong with your driveline. A failing clutch slave cylinder or master cylinder can cause you to grind in multiple gears, as the hydraulic pressure isn’t enough to fully disengage the clutch. An improper or worn slave push rod can also cause this, as can a bent clutch fork. Each transmission only has so many grinds in it before they fail. If you keep grinding, your gears will (sadly) come to look like what you see in the above video.
Of course, the best way to avoid grinding a non-synchronized first gear is to install a fully synchronized five-speed Ford gearbox, which has the added benefit of an overdrive gear for an improved highway driving experience! Click the photo below to order one today!

Should you wish to retain the original feel of your four-speed gearbox but need to fix or replace the gearbox or any other related component, we carry a full line of driveline components to get your Bugeye back up and running! Click the photos below to learn more about some of our products, or click here for our full catalog!