As a rule, we don’t normally have sales on our cars. But we really need space because we are busier than ever, and we have cars from all over the country that need to come in for restoration and upgrades. We have two new people on board to keep up with growing demand and everything is moving along nicely, yet we would like to get a few cars in our inventory on the way to make some space. As a result, I have compiled a list of special deals. Don’t delay! Call or email if you are interested, these special prices are available now through February 1 only!

1960 Red MGA with factory disc brakes
Was $36,995, now $33,995
This is a a fantastic example, with a number of nice upgrades and improvements. We’ve gone through the car to refresh it for a new home and addressed any issues… for example, we have replaced the rear wire wheel hub splines, which are a chronic wear item on these MGAs. If you are looking for a well-sorted and very handsome MGA, this is a nice example at a very reasonable price. Click here to check out the details and to see the stunning photo album.

Was $19,995, now $17,995
Here’s a great way to get into the world of Bugeyes. Join the family! Mira had been in one family for many years, and had become idle. We got the car to bring it back to life… we removed all the original wiring and installed a new wiring harness, as well as anything else needed to get the car back on the road. Now a good driver, this one is ready…take Mira home and start enjoying Bugeye life.
Click here for more about Mira!

Was $6,495, now $6,295
This is about the best deal you can find on a classic British car! This round wheel arch Midget looks cool and has a 1275 engine, roll-up windows, disk brakes, front sway bar, seat belts, headrests and lots of other late car features to make for a much more comfortable driving experience. There’s a lot of fun here for the money! Check it out in more detail by clicking here.

1978 MGB, chrome bumper conversion
Was $13,495, now $12,495
Who doesn’t love an MGB? This is a very well-sorted and solid MGB. The prior owner invested more than $20,000 to have the car made into a reliable machine, and now he wants it gone to make room for new endeavors. Fast and fun! Click here to read more about this beauty!

Was $15,995, now $14,995
This is a very solid California car that only came east to have us change the transmission to a completely rebuilt rib-case unit. We had the engine out, replaced the throwout bearing and tuned this car to make a great runner. A sweet car with all the fun of a Bugeye, and with roll up windows too! Check it out here…

Now $8,495
This is the only car on this list with a price increase… but that’s because Grover now runs! We’ve tuned up the engine to make the car run. We’ve also started restoring the hydraulic system, so this will be a driving car shortly, and the price is now $8495, which gets you a lot of starter Bugeye at a very reasonable price! Click here for more on Grover…