Tires really matter on classic cars. They have to be fresh, with supple rubber, for optimal ride quality, traction, braking, and especially safety. A good tire means a comfortable day in a Bugeye. An old hard one means a really rough ride, and greater potential for a blowout.

I have been guilty of stretching my perfectly nice tires that have aged out. I have also had more than one client argue that their classic car tires had zero miles and were therefore still new, regardless of the date stamp. And thus I present the tire below, which came to us attached to the Austin Healey 3000 shjown above, here for upgrades and mechanical freshening.
Who wants to guess the date of the tire below?

*Jeopardy music plays*
Final answer?
Still thinking?

It’s from 2011.
These are just 14 years old. You should be able to see the cracks in the valleys. This rubber is done (and unsafe). Time for new tires!
Let this serve as a reminder that now is a good time to inspect your tires and maybe purchase some new ones. We have great choices in 13″ for your Bugeye, ranging from plain tires to works of art. Happy to help! Click the photos below to learn more and to order a set today!