The car you see here represents a very special project. She came to us with tons of modifications already made, yet still suffered from multiple issues that needed to be addressed. It wasn’t fun to drive… it was over-modified and over-upgraded, with no sense of direction and no sense of integration. We were tasked with making it all work, which meant removing some mods, and adding others, so that the car could find the sweet spot.
We disassembled and completely rebuilt it, de-tuning were necessary, and upgraded it in other ways. It has a new wiring harness, new fuel system, new hydraulic system, and a lot of cosmetic improvements, and the net result is a very sweet and very special modified Bugeye. Check out the video above and enjoy!

We love picking up cars throughout America bringing them here for a makeover and sending them back home. It’s it’s so exciting to be able to take a car that’s not that’s not a terribly useful asset for an owner and turn it into something that makes them grin with joy, and that’s exactly what we did here in the case of Alex’s Bugeye.

Look for this one in West Palm Beach, Florida… the guy with a grin? That will be Alex.